May the 4th: Cinema Scavengers


Someone has broken into our secret stash and stolen our collection of original 1977 Star Wars figurines. The police couldn’t find any clues, but we’ve heard through the grapevine that they’re going to be on display during the Star Wars Film Festival. Your mission is to explore the cinema and find our figurines!

This game was originally published as a Patreon-exclusive reward. It has no time limit, but Patrons took 30-60 minutes to complete it.

Played online

This game is played online through a browser. Due to small details, playing on a computer is recommended.

No time limit

Take as long as you need, the timer is just for your own curiosity.

Point & Click

This is a point & click exploration puzzle game. Explore scenes, solve puzzles, and solve your mission.

Purchasing this game will unlock it within your Urban Mysteries Co Agent Account. If you don’t have an account, you can create one during checkout. You must be logged in to play.